【Aomori Prefecture】Soba Noodle Making Experience – Yamano Gakko

When traveling to Japan, besides beautiful scenery and delicious food, there are also many experiential activities to participate in. This time, we will be joining a soba noodle making experience. The main steps include kneading the dough, rolling it out, and cutting the noodles. Finally, we can taste the soba noodles we have made ourselves. It’s a pretty good experience activity.

This is Masuda Elementary and Junior High School.
Originally, it was a primary school, but due to the low population in the rural area, it had to be closed down.
However, instead of letting it go to waste, it was transformed into a place for experiential activities.

Yamano Gakko

Before we begin, the principal will start by introducing, and then in front of the blackboard is a group of obasans leading us.

I am in the same group as the beautiful reporter ^o^.
However, initially, the kneading of the dough was handled by my mother-in-law.
Only when the dough took shape, did we take over the process.

Every person who experiences it must put on an apron and a hat.

After preparing, start rolling the dough.

Slowly, roll it out until it becomes large and flat.

My mother-in-law’s action, I couldn’t hear clearly in Japanese, so I’m not sure of its purpose.
It seems like she wants to flatten it and evenly distribute the force on the dough as much as possible.

Once everything is prepared, you can start cutting the noodles.
From the looks of it, the beautiful journalist seems to be quite skilled in household chores.

In the middle, it’s my turn, and then it’s my mother-in-law’s turn, and finally it’s the beautiful female reporter’s turn.
However, the difference in between is that at first, we used our hands to press the dough, but later switched to using a wooden board tool.
Using a wooden board is safer and less stressful.

Deng~ The red arrow was cut by me. I mentioned from the beginning that I like to eat something with a good bite…
The yellow arrow was cut by my mother-in-law, and the pink arrow was cut by the beautiful journalist.

After cutting, take it to the canteen to cook.
Then we wait here for the noodles to be cooked.

This is fried food, all made with local specialties.

Dried Persimmons

I think the pickled vegetables taste really delicious, especially the yellow radish next to it.

The noodles are cooked, and to ensure we are full, an extra bowl of rice is also included.

Sprinkle some Shichimi for a better taste.
Take a closer look at the noodles, I intentionally cut them so thick~
(Because I made the soba noodles for myself, I don’t know how well the others did).

This is a dessert, red bean mochi.

It’s a bit like a dessert made from green beans, with a unique flavor that sets it apart from the usual ones.
Unlike overly sweet desserts, its sweetness level is probably around 3 to 4 out of 10.

After finishing the meal, the experience is complete~
Finally, we were bid farewell by all the staff~
Hehe~ What a satisfying experience activity~

For more information on transportation, attractions, food, and accommodation in Aomori, please refer to the Tohoku page.

The details of this experiential activity are as follows:
Location: Yamano Gakko
Address: 6-2 Kitano Hata, Minamigo, Hachinohe City
Opening hours: 08:30~16:30
Closed on Mondays
Soba noodle experience fee: ¥1500 (includes enjoying the self-made noodles)
Experience duration: Approximately 1.5 hours
Reservation required: Yes
Shuttle service available: Yes (recommended for groups of four or more)
Contact phone number: 0178-82-2222
E-Mail: y-aobako@jazz.nango-net.jp

Reference: Yamano Gakko Experience

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1167/