Fukuoka-Hakata Ippudo Ramen Seasoning Pack-Akamaru

Ippudo Ramen has opened hundreds of branches throughout Japan and even collaborated with 7-11 to launch a co-branded instant ramen. However, if you want to enjoy authentic Ippudo Ramen outside of Japan, your only option is to purchase their instant noodle packs. After going through customs at Kansai Airport, I bought a pack of Ippudo Ramen instant noodles and chose the “Akamaru” flavor. Don’t underestimate this small box, as it is priced at ¥550, which is the same as the regular ramen sold in stores.

The packaging is quite unique.

Back Cover

This is what it looks like after opening.

Inside, of course, there are a bunch of advertisements, as well as tutorials on cooking ramen.

This is the ramen meant for cooking.

Arrange the ingredients.

Before cooking dumplings, it is best to preheat them with hot water separately, and then pour out the water before cooking…

Sesame oil, this is not the kind of sesame oil commonly found in Taiwan, but rather an animal-based oil.

Sauce vegetable bun, just like how beef noodles need to be served with pickled vegetables…

I forgot what this is, it seems to be something like chili sauce.


My cooking method is as follows: 1. First, heat up the soup packet, then pour it out and add water to boil, creating the soup base. 2. Then, cook the noodles in another pot for about 1 and a half minutes. 3. After the noodles are cooked, pour them into the pot with the soup base and add the seasoning packet for flavor. 4. Depending on the desired texture of the noodles, you can determine when to remove them from the heat. Then, you can pour them into a bowl and add other toppings. You can also add eggs or chopped scallions according to your preference.

Although this ramen doesn’t look impressive, it’s actually quite delicious after mixing it up.

In terms of the noodles, because I was cooking and taking photos at the same time, I ended up overcooking them, resulting in a slightly soft texture.

The broth is rich and oily, but not greasy, and it tastes absolutely delicious~

Finally, in my opinion, ★★★★ (4)
people who like Ippudo should not miss it. Compared to the previous 7-Eleven version, the 7-Eleven one is really lacking. After all, instant noodles have their limitations. Although this one is a bit expensive, it is suitable for people like me who want to eat but don’t have time to go out and eat, so we can only buy it back and cook it ourselves in Taiwan.

Rating Criteria:
Five stars: Super delicious; after eating, you’ll want to find a place in Taiwan that sells it!
Four stars: Delicious; if you have the chance to go to Japan, you’ll want to buy it again.
Three stars: Not bad; it’s good to have tried it.
Two stars: Average; just wanted to taste the flavor, you can buy it.
One star: Won’t fall for it again (potential disappointment).

Reference: Official website of Ippudo Ramen.

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1041/