Home Delivery Group Purchase Gourmet Food – Letting you savor bite after bite of ‘Cheese on the pig’s back’


💰Single box for $350
💰Group purchase price is 275 dollars per box.

"Home Delivery Group Purchase Gourmet Food - Letting you savor bite after bite of

I’ve been noticing this brand for a while now.
At first glance, I found the name too adorable.
Called “Cheese on the Pig’s Back🧀️”
The vernacular term is Cheese Pig (I’m so lazy 🐷🧀️).
The pig on this packaging is so cute, it’s directly covered with a slice of cheese.
Just like a product off the shelf, a piece of honey-glazed jerky paired with golden cheese.
Upon opening the package, each item has its own individual compartment.
Each one comes in a complete vacuum-sealed package💼.
On one hand, the cheese won’t melt and spread everywhere due to excessive heat.
On one hand, it’s also clean and hygienic, less likely to spoil.
In summary, the pork jerky is slightly sweet and not at all dry.
However, the meticulous packaging and decent product quality may be worth noting.
Therefore, the price is a bit on the high side (only suitable for occasional indulgence).

"Home Delivery Group Purchase Gourmet Food - Letting you savor bite after bite of

Taste Level: 🌕🌕🌗 (33 points)
Taste Level: 🌕🌕🌕🌕 (Rated by my sister)

『Original Source:https://www.foodytw.com/review/9485