Kyoto Style Takoyaki – Karikari Hakase

In the Kyoto Nishiki Market, there are many delicious snacks, such as soy milk donuts and small octopus. One popular spot is the Kyoto-style Takoyaki – Karikari Hakase. It emphasizes the Kyoto-style takoyaki, where the broth is mixed into the batter, making it delicious even without adding sauce.

In the bustling market, business is usually good. I arrived in the late evening, just before closing time. When there were no more customers, I took a photo of this small shop with a few seats available for guests.

This shop is small, with a few seats for customers to sit.

Next to it is the price tag, which is divided into member price and non-member price. As a tourist, I don’t need to join as a member. The regular takoyaki is priced at ¥180, with mayonnaise and green onion at ¥250, cheese flavor at ¥250. If you want mayonnaise, green onion, and cheese together, it’s ¥350. There is also a 9-piece set for ¥350, which includes three flavors: regular takoyaki, takoyaki with green onion, and mochi cheese.

This is also where you can purchase meal tickets from the ticket machine. So, you need to find this small meal ticket machine… Once you’ve purchased the tickets, just hand them over to the staff.

For someone like me who often steps on landmines, the first thing to do is to point out the most basic thing. They say that to judge a person’s cooking skills, you have to look at their fried rice… So, let’s start with the basics. ¥180 (currently increased to ¥200) for this basic dish, called ジャンボ たこ焼 (jumbo takoyaki, which means extra large). It is only topped with soy sauce, sprinkled with bonito flakes and seaweed powder.

One bite, soft and tender~ Truly a taste of Japan~

Quickly devour one

The second one is used with a spoon.

It’s still thick and sticky inside…

Oh no, I’m starting to miss this kind of takoyaki~

After eating, the shops in Jin Market are also closing down. The shopkeepers are thanking someone… XD

Above is the food review of カリカリ博士 Takoyaki.
For more Kyoto delicacies, please refer to the Kansai Cuisine page.

Personal food rating: ★★★ (3)
Because the price is very cheap, so feel free to come and try it out. Compare it with the Osaka style and see what’s different. However, I can’t really tell the difference. If I have to say something, it’s that the filling is more thick and rich… XD

Rating Criteria:
Five stars: Super delicious; after eating, it will make you want to go back for more.
Four stars: Delicious; after eating, you’ll feel satisfied, but it won’t leave a lasting impression.
Three stars: Not bad; if you happen to be nearby, it’s worth a try.
Two stars: Average; if you don’t want to take any risks, you can give it a go.
One star: Not my cup of tea; potential disappointment.

カリカリ博士 Takoyaki Nishiki Market Store (Nishiki Market Official Website)
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00 (Opens at 10:30 on Saturdays and Sundays)
Address: Please refer to the map

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