【Aomori Prefecture】Aomori Winter Festival – Hachinohe Enburi

Enburi is a winter festival in the Hachinohe region of Aomori Prefecture, Japan. It is a harvest festival that prays for the arrival of spring. Unlike other typical festivals that are held in one location, Enburi involves different groups of people and horses, and takes place in various places. This year’s Enburi festival will be held from February 17th to February 20th, 2012. There is also another version called “Niwa Enburi”, which will be held from February 17th to February 22nd. The content of the activities is similar, but the locations are different.

During the visit to the distillery, we happened to encounter the Daikubo Group conducting a ceremony here.
It was fascinating to see this diverse group of people participating in the ceremony, including men, women, young and old, some playing instruments and others performing.

However, we were not allowed to enter until the music stopped playing.

What a unique horse head!
This can be considered a Eboshi headgear, just much more magnificent.

Before entering, you must first perform a special dance.

The children prepared on the side while Tayu (the person wearing a horse head) performed.

Later, this group of people will all come in to perform.

These children are quite young.
This is the dance of Matsunomai.

This is “Enko enko”.

In addition, this is the performance of the children in the dance of Ebisu, portraying fishermen.

I don’t quite understand this last part based on the information.
This section is about dance of Daikoku, so the girl in the picture should be Mahakala (one of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan).

Finally, after the performance, the stage will be taken over by the Tayu, marking the completion of the entire festival event.

When I saw this movement, it reminded me of the situation where someone stomps while holding a gun.

Above is the fascinating encounter we had at the distillery with Enburi during the day.
It is organized by different groups of people and held at various locations.
This event is free of charge, but the general public is unaware of the specific venues where it takes place.
Fortunately, we happened to come across it while visiting the distillery.

I have uploaded related videos on Youtube. If you are interested, please go and take a look…
Enburi 1,
Enburi 2.

For more information on transportation, attractions, food, and accommodation in Aomori, please refer to the Tohoku page.

Travel Tohoku Official Website: Hachinohe Enburi
Wikipedia: Enburi

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1170/