【Aomori Prefecture】Hachinohe Winter Festival – Niwa Enburi

The evening scene of Enburi is different from what I saw during the day. Not only are the performers different, but there are also some differences in the content…

Let’s appreciate the performance venue called “Kojoukaku”.
It is a building from the Meiji era, originally a wealthy family’s house.
It has now become one of Japan’s tangible cultural assets.

The cost of visiting at night is not cheap, it’s 2000 yen per person.
However, it does come with a glass of sweet wine and a serving of Sengai soup…

The left cup is a sweet wine, it feels like eating porridge.
The bowl on the right for the Sengai soup tastes a bit worse than the one I had at the izakaya.
However, because I just finished eating, I didn’t finish all of these~
But halfway through watching the performance, it got colder and colder, to the point where I couldn’t stand it.
When I wanted to warm myself up with the Sengai soup, I found that it had already turned into ice… XD
It was just a step away from freezing… XD

The following photos show the entire performance of Enburi.
This is the situation of planting vegetables.

This grandfather is said to be over 80 years old…

Fishing is also a necessary ritual.

Due to the evening’s performance, there are a total of 2 shows at Enburi, with each show lasting less than 30 minutes.
The dance performed by Tayu marks the beginning of the second show.

This chubby guy performs alone~ I really admire his courage.

The Process of Planting Rice Seedlings

The ritual of fishing has reappeared.

However, the person on the left may have been too nervous and accidentally dropped the fish, so the whole fishing ceremony had to start over…
Honestly, performing for others at such a young age, if it were me, I would probably be too scared to go on stage!

Behind the scenes, the idea is to emphasize the size of the fish and create a sense of dragging.

Finally, the fish became tired and showed a calm and composed demeanor. It picked up a fan and gently waved it to create a breeze.

Finally, let’s talk about the performance of Tayu.
Unfortunately, in the end, we didn’t get to see the performance of Daikoku…
(I think this is just a small difference between day and night).

After the performance, you can also take a photo with the performers.

Above is the situation of the evening Enburi Festival.
Since the daytime situation is not visible to ordinary tourists, you can only buy tickets to watch the evening festival.
Therefore, for those who are interested, it is worth paying attention to the timing when visiting Hachinohe, Aomori in winter next time.

In addition, there is also the daytime Enburi, which can be referred to in the travelogue: Aomori Winter Festival – Hachinohe Enburi.

For more information on transportation, attractions, food, and accommodation in Aomori, please refer to the Tohoku page.

Address: 〒031-0052 Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, Mototoshi-cho 5

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1183/