【Aomori Prefecture】Towada Art Center

I don’t have much artistic flair, nor do I have any talent in fine arts, so I really admire people who can paint and create. I’m in awe of their imagination and ability to bring their ideas to life. After seeing a bunch of century-old masterpieces at the Louvre, visiting the Towada Art Center gives me a different feeling. If you have the chance, you should definitely come and check it out! Especially during cherry blossom season, it’s highly recommended! Sorry, I got a bit off track. Well, let’s start writing the travelogue now.

When the car arrived at the entrance of the Towada Art Center, I was immediately struck by this colorful horse.
Standing in a space of pure white and sky blue, this horse was adorned with flowers all over its body. What a unique feeling!

This wall is also a work of art.
Although Newton is not standing underneath it, you can still feel the influence that the apple has brought to Aomori.

Upon entering, it may seem empty at first, but even the floor is considered a part of the art.
However, the ticket machine is not on the floor, but rather next to the counter.

The ticket price is ¥500 per person, and high school students and below are free.
However, photography is prohibited inside the venue.
Since we are here to help with promotion, we were given special permission to take photos, but there are still some areas where photography is not allowed.
I didn’t take any photos of those areas, so I can’t share them with everyone.

The first point to visit is this giant. She is not tall, only 4 meters… XD.
The picture shows the background of Jiuxiong, and you can see how tall this giant is.

It feels like a maid from a European family.
I asked the hotel staff, and it turns out that the lady’s face was fictional and not enlarged from a real person’s face.
However, if I were to see a woman who looks like this on the street one day, I would probably be scared to death~

You can see “muscles” on the arm, indicating that the person probably does a lot of household chores.
However, the muscles are a bit thick, suggesting that they eat well.
But that’s not the point. The point is, this looks so lifelike!

When you step outside, you can see the statue of this hunter.

Then, across from him, there was a person climbing a wall who seemed to have been spotted by a hunter.
His mouth was wide open, and his hands and feet were weak.

The topic is about insects expanding and becoming larger due to abnormalities, mainly used to raise awareness of modern consumer society issues.
I think either they have been exposed to radiation or accidentally used Doraemon’s “Enlarging Magnifying Glass”.

The feeling of light passing through cannot be captured on the Bridge of Light XD.

This thing that looks like a crystal lamp is actually made up of a hundred thousand little people.

Most of these hundred thousand little people look the same, with only a few minor differences.

When hung up, it looks quite spectacular.

The evening lights should be beautiful.

There is also a cafe inside the art center.
The floor of the cafe is designed by Taiwanese designer Michael Lin.

There are many indoor areas that were not photographed, so don’t think that these are the only ones~
If you want to see more, come to the Towada Art Center~

Next, let’s take a look outside~
That colorful horse is still standing there~
However, it seems to be missing something!

When crossing the road, you can see this horse head decoration.

Actually, this is also art.
It’s like a house and a car being frozen by heavy snow.
Just because Aomori Prefecture is also experiencing heavy snow, one might mistakenly think that this house is truly covered by snow.

These footprints are probably made by children and dogs in the park.

It’s a saddle!!
Is this missing on the colorful horse just now?

The ghost in the toilet is currently watching the toilet, so when boys go to the toilet, they can experience the atmosphere of “encountering a ghost in the toilet”.

From another perspective, it’s a bit like a ghost watching over the entire square.

This is a work by Yayoi Kusama.

There are two people hiding under the mushroom, trying to avoid the sun for too long.
The dog keeps barking at them.

A peaceful park, indeed.

This is Government Office Street (Japanese: 官庁街通り), one of Japan’s selected 100 roads (100 roads with historical significance and beauty in Japan).
The road is lined with cherry blossoms, so you must not miss this section during cherry blossom viewing season.

After searching for a long time, I finally found the manhole cover here.
Because the road is covered with heavy snow, it’s rare to have the chance to see this.

Above is a brief introduction to the Towada Art Center.
For those who are interested, remember to come and take a look when enjoying the cherry blossoms.

For more information on transportation, attractions, food, and accommodation in Aomori, please refer to the following: Tohoku Page.

Towada Art Center

Address: 10-9 Nishi 2-bancho, Towada City, Aomori Prefecture (next to the Government Office Street and Fire Department)
Service Hours: 09:00~17:00 (last entry at 16:30)
Closed on Mondays (if Monday is a holiday, it will be closed the following day)
Transportation options:
1. Tohoku Shinkansen “Shichinohe-Towada” Station, take the Towada Kankou Dentetsu Bus from the No. 1 bus stop at the south exit, get off at “Museum-mae” bus stop, approximately 40 minutes, fare: 630 yen
2. Tohoku Shinkansen “Hachinohe” Station, take the Towada Kankou Dentetsu Bus from the east exit, get off at “Kanchogai-dori” bus stop, approximately 5 minutes on foot, approximately 1 hour and 14 minutes, fare: not available
3. Tohoku Shinkansen “Hachinohe” Station, take the JR bus from the west exit, get off at “Museum-mae” bus stop, approximately 40 minutes, fare: 1,100 yen
4. JR “Aomori” Station, take bus No. 10 from the bus terminal, take the Towada Kankou Dentetsu Bus, get off at “Towada-shi Chuo” bus stop, approximately 10 minutes on foot, approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, fare: 1,830 yen
5. Towada Kankou Dentetsu Bus “Towada-shi” Station, take the museum shuttle bus, get off at “Museum-mae” or “Kanchogai-dori” bus stop, approximately 5 minutes, fare: 140 yen (The Towada Kankou Dentetsu Bus mentioned above was originally called Towada Kanko Electric Railway and is operated by Towada Kanko Dentetsu Co., Ltd.)

This is the exhibition location map of the Towada Art Center. The blue and green areas below represent the artworks.

Bus stop near the art center.

Towada Art Center
Towada Kanko Electric Railway

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1166/