【Hokkaido】The Colorful Scented Hill with White Lavender (Closed)

Tired of seeing lavender everywhere?
There are many types of lavender, but most are either deep purple or light purple.
At the Colorful Scented Hill, there’s also a very light-colored lavender, which is white lavender.

There are quite a few lavender plants here.

This is the typical light purple lavender.

White lavender, which is actually a very, very light purple lavender.

Sai-Ka Happiness Hill
During my days in Furano, I saw friends from Hong Kong coming here to take wedding photos every day.

Also featuring Hokuseiyama!!
I visited last time too, and wrote about it in the same travelogue.

The slope with letters is one of its features.

Additionally, there’s a ski lift next to it.

Since this trip is the same as three years ago, I won’t introduce it again.
If you’re interested, you can check out the travelogue from three years ago.

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1313/white-lavender/