【Kagawa Prefecture】Street Scenes and Konpira Shrine in the Kotohira Area – Part 1

The renowned Konpira Shrine, known for its many steps, starts from the ground level and has a total of 785 steps to the main shrine, and 1368 steps if you go all the way to the inner shrine. For those who are not regularly active, not used to climbing stairs, or without training, it’s recommended to stop at the main shrine. However, if you have enough stamina or time, you might want to challenge yourself with the full 1368 steps. Due to time constraints on this visit, as we also had plans to make udon noodles, we only made it to the main shrine. Based on my personal experience, I found it manageable and not too tiring… It’s only slightly more exhausting towards the end (just before the main shrine), but not to the point of being unable to climb.

For this visit, we walked from JR Kotohira Station, so I’ll take this opportunity to show you some street scenes of Kagawa Prefecture. The JR Kotohira Station has a distinctive character, with a station building that has a Western architectural flair.

Walking straight from the front of the station, you will pass by Kotoden Kotohira Station, then take a left turn, followed by a right turn towards Kotohira-gū. In about 15 minutes, you will reach the stairs leading to the shrine.

JR Kotohira can be considered one of the birthplaces of trams in Shikoku.

This is a manhole cover where you can see the pattern inside, like a porter~

Konpira Shrine – Kitamae Garden

Inside Kitamae Garden, there seems to be a beacon fire platform. Below it, the word “Banzai” is written.

At this location, there’s already a large torii gate.

Following the signs will lead you to Konpira Shrine.
Up next is the tranquil streets of Shikoku.

There is foot soup here, but it seems like you need to buy or eat something before you can use it.

Ah, such a charming old inn.

This is something that can only be seen in Japanese dramas, such an ancient signboard~

I’m going to come here later to experience the Oolong noodle.

First, let’s go over there and borrow a stick from them~ so that we won’t get too tired climbing the stairs later.

If possible, it is recommended to find a thicker one, with a height of at least above the waist, preferably reaching the chest or shoulders.

Take a look at this experienced individual, their entire outfit is professional.

Alright, let’s start walking.

This is the sedan that the sedan chair carrier uses to transport people up.

Actually, the 785 steps are not continuous. Along the way, it’s a pattern of climbing some steps, then reaching a flat stretch, followed by more steps, and another flat area. This makes the ascent quite manageable.

Like this, it’s also a piece of cake~

Looking back, it becomes clear that climbing this staircase is not tiring at all.

There are still 685 steps to reach the main palace.

Don’t be afraid, this area just has a steeper slope.

Next to it, there is a notification telling you how many steps you have climbed so far.

Around this point, you can take a break and use the restroom…

Looking back, we were actually walking and taking photos along the way.
So, it was really quite leisurely. (Even the cats were watching us…)

That concludes the simple travelogue of Konpira Shrine (Part One).

Konpira Shrine (Official Website)
Address: 892-1 Kotohira-cho, Nakatado-gun, Kagawa Prefecture 766-8501

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1245/