[Keelung] Keelung IG Check-in Spot Guide | Keelung One-day Trip Itinerary


Taipei residents often travel to Yilan for weekend getaways, but there are also many emerging attractions in nearby Keelung. These include the Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge, the Xu Zisang Old House, the Keelung Underground Bunker, and the Argo Navis Shipyard. These locations are popular for Instagram-worthy photos and are easily accessible from Taipei. However, some of these attractions, such as the Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge and the Xu Zisang Old House, may undergo renovations or be demolished in the future, so it is recommended to visit them sooner rather than later. The Keelung Underground Bunker and the Argo Navis Shipyard offer unique and atmospheric photo opportunities.

Whenever there’s a long weekend or holiday, people from Taipei always like to go to Yilan. But actually, not far from Taipei, there’s Keelung. In addition to well-known attractions like Badouzi, Lover’s Lake, and Dawulun, there have been quite a few emerging attractions in Keelung in recent years. Places like Alabao Bay in Heping Island, Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge, Zhengbin Fishing Port, and Argo Na Shipyard are all popular Keelung IG check-in spots that can be reached by taking a bus in the city. These locations are not only suitable for capturing landscapes, but also popular IG check-in spots in 2018. Take advantage of the holiday and plan a day trip to Keelung. Take a train or bus from Taipei to Keelung and embark on a journey of internet celebrities with friends or loved ones.

Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge

The Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge in Keelung is a nostalgic pedestrian bridge.

The Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge in Keelung, with a history of more than 40 years, is a rare nostalgic and architectural style among pedestrian bridges in Taiwan. The bridge itself is very distinctive. In addition, with the blessing of scenes from a movie starring Shu Qi, the Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge in Keelung, which has been rumored to be demolished and rebuilt since last year, has become a new attraction in Keelung for magazines, fashion shoots, and IG check-ins in the past two years.

Although the Keelung Public Works Department currently states that the plan to demolish the bridge has been postponed, the bridge itself has a certain lifespan and time. Even if it is not demolished, the original flavor may no longer exist after renovation. It is recommended that friends who want to capture the nostalgic bridge scene and take portraits should go early.

The market next to the Zhongshan Pedestrian Bridge has a quiet feeling, like being in a movie scene.
Transportation Information:
No. 10, Xiaosi Road, Ren’ai District, Keelung City
Take a train to Keelung Railway Station South Exit and walk for about 5 minutes to reach.

Xu Zisang Ancestral House

Xu Zisang Ancestral House, also known as “Qingyu Hall,” was the residence of the Xu family, a prominent family in Keelung. Xu Zisang Ancestral House is located near Keelung Miaokou. From Miaokou, walk up the stone steps for about 5-10 minutes to reach. Xu Zisang Ancestral House has been built for over 80 years and has not yet undergone renovation. Therefore, the exterior walls of the entire ancestral house are partially weathered and peeling. Tree trunks and weeds are also found in some places on the exterior walls. However, because of this, it adds a sense of mystery and tranquility to Xu Zisang Ancestral House, giving people a feeling of being in ruins.

When visiting this place, it is worth noting that because it has not yet undergone comprehensive renovation, although it is not strictly prohibited to enter, extra caution should be exercised when entering the ancestral house. In addition, as mentioned earlier, because there are many dark areas in the ancestral house, friends who do not like this feeling or location should consider whether it is suitable to visit before going.

Transportation Information:
From Miaokou, walk along Rensan Road and walk up the stairs from the alley next to 7-11.

Hundred-Year Air Raid Shelter

Walking into the hundred-year air raid shelter in Keelung is like walking into the traces of history.

During the Japanese colonial period, Keelung built many air raid shelters due to the demands of war, so air raid shelters can be seen everywhere in Keelung. Located in Wen’an Village, Ren’ai District, Keelung, the “Hundred-Year Air Raid Shelter” was originally used for patients to take shelter during air raids and later became a Japanese military ammunition depot. Currently, it is used as a shortcut for residents of Shiqiu Village. In the past, the hundred-year air raid shelter was quite dark and often became a blind spot for public safety. Fortunately, with the renovation by the local neighborhood chief, the air raid shelter is now quite bright, and there are not many tourists here, making it a hidden Keelung IG check-in spot.

Through the organization by the local neighborhood chief, the hundred-year air raid shelter is now very bright, and there are some historical documents that can be viewed.

The hundred-year air raid shelter in Keelung is a relatively hidden IG check-in spot, where you can capture a serene portrait.
Transportation Information:
Located on Jingyi Road in Keelung City, walk along Jingyi Road, pass Long’an Street, and the railway tracks to reach.

Argo Na Shipyard

The Argo Na Shipyard site is an emerging IG check-in spot in Keelung.

After visiting the attractions near the train station, you can take a bus from the Keelung Bus Terminal next to Keelung Railway Station to the “Argo Na Shipyard” located next to Heping Island Park. The Argo Na Shipyard is currently an abandoned shipyard site. It used to be a large-scale shipyard in Keelung, but it was demolished and destroyed after it went bankrupt. Under the conflicting interests of cultural preservation, the shipyard has become what it is today. The Argo Na Shipyard has a strong ruins style, with remnants and ruins visible everywhere. It has a unique charm in every corner. Such a scene even attracted Captain America to come here for filming advertisements.

The Argo Na Shipyard is full of remnants and ruins. Extra caution should be exercised when entering.

However, because the Argo Na Shipyard has not yet undergone renovation and is not officially open to the public, friends who want to enter should consider their own safety. It is recommended to avoid going to dangerous corners or places if possible.

Even though it is just a damaged ruin, the Argo Na Shipyard is still very eye-catching on a sunny day.
Transportation Information:
Take bus No. 101, 109, 205, 802, or T99 from Keelung Railway Station to the “Heping Bridgehead (Original Min Hui Guan)” bus stop, and walk for about 1 minute to reach the “Argo Na Shipyard”.

Colorful Houses at Keelung Zhengbin Fishing Port

After painting the exterior walls of the houses next to Keelung Zhengbin Fishing Port, it feels like being in a small fishing port in Venice.

Lastly, I want to introduce a place located outside Heping Island Park, which is Keelung Zhengbin Fishing Port. Zhengbin Fishing Port used to be just a fishing port in Keelung, but with the efforts of the city government, several houses next to the fishing port were painted with colorful exterior walls. From the observation platform across from the colorful houses, you can see the colorful houses standing by the fishing port, transforming the seemingly ordinary Zhengbin Fishing Port into a coastal area that resembles Venice. It gives you a feeling of being abroad, and it quickly became a new destination for couples and an IG check-in spot in Keelung.

The sunset at Zhengbin Fishing Port during sunset is also very charming. It is highly recommended to stop by and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

It is also recommended to visit Zhengbin Fishing Port during dusk. In addition to capturing the colorful houses, because it faces west, you can see the setting sun in the distance. When the weather is good, it is a great spot to capture photos that are no less impressive than those taken at foreign tourist attractions.

Transportation Information:
Take bus No. 101, 109, 205, 802, or T99 from Keelung Railway Station to the “Heping Bridgehead (Original Min Hui Guan)” bus stop, and you can see it from the observation platform.