Mie Prefecture – Ise Grand Shrine: A Must Visit Destination for Every Japanese Person’s Lifetime

After leaving Okaga Yokocho, the next stop is Ise Grand Shrine. I’ve heard a long time ago that Japanese people must visit Ise Grand Shrine at least once in their lifetime. But what exactly is the charm of Ise Grand Shrine? Honestly, I have no idea. I heard that in ancient Japan, people were not allowed to leave their homeland freely. Therefore, they could only take the opportunity to visit Ise Grand Shrine and leave their birthplace…

This is Uji Bridge, and underneath the bridge is the Isuzu River (There is also a Uji Bridge in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, and underneath it is the Uji River).

When you come here, it is important to follow the regulations and keep to the right side.

This is the Isuzu River.

This is also a great place to enjoy the autumn foliage~

The path leading to the shrine is paved with gravel.

Shop for Sale

Before entering, be sure to wash your hands and clean yourself up.

Some people choose to wash their hands in the Isuzu River.

Keep going inside~

More shops


Get ready to climb the stone steps. When you see this, you’ll know you’ve reached the place for worship.

On the left side, there is a crowd of people queuing. These people are planning to enter for worship. When worshiping, it is necessary to wear formal attire. Casual clothing like jeans and T-shirts cannot be worn inside.

After passing through this torii gate, photography is not allowed~ This is also the final destination~

Above is the situation of Ise Grand Shrine.
As Ise Grand Shrine is divided into Naiku (Inner Shrine) and Geku (Outer Shrine), it is usually recommended to visit Geku first and then Naiku.
However, since Geku and Naiku are quite far apart, we can only focus on the highlights of the visit.

For more information on transportation, attractions, and food in Mie, please refer to the page on the Chubu region of Japan.

Ise Grand Shrine (Official Website)
Address: Ujikatacho 1, Ise City, Mie Prefecture
1. Take the Kintetsu train to “Isuzugawa” station, then transfer to Mie Kotsu bus No. 51 or the CAN bus for a round trip, and get off at “Naiku-mae” stop.
2. Take the Kintetsu train to “Ujiyamada” station, then transfer to Mie Kotsu bus No. 51 or No. 55 or the CAN bus for a round trip, and get off at “Naiku-mae” stop.

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1065/