[Nara Prefecture] Prefectural Office Observation Deck – Overlooking Mount Wakakusa and Nara City

Nara is an ancient capital even older than Kyoto, so the buildings are not very tall. If you want to see the cityscape of Nara, it is a good choice to go to Mount Wakakusa if you have enough time. If you don’t have enough time, you can choose the Prefectural Office Observatory. The Prefectural Office Observatory is located on the top floor of the Nara Prefectural Government Office and is open to the general public for free. So everyone can enter.

There is a giant statue of Sentokun at the entrance. Who are they trying to scare?

On the first floor, there is a display of an ancient ship that was gifted during Hu Jintao’s visit to Japan.

The giant cedars that grow around the Kasuga-taisha… look incredibly massive.

Indicate its age and what significant historical events occurred in that year~

Take the elevator upstairs and head to the top floor (Japanese: 屋上). The sixth floor houses a cafe and cafeteria.

Due to the lack of tall buildings in Nara, you can enjoy a great view from the prefectural office. You can directly see the Five-storied pagoda of Kofuku-ji Temple.

That place is Mount Wakakusa. I also went to Mount Wakakusa later.

Nara also has Daimonji, oh…

I saw the antlers of Todai-ji Temple’s Shibi.

There are signs here that will tell you where the building is…


Here, we provide free telescopes for you to use~

However, because there are not many people here, there are very few tourists.

Above is a simple introduction to the observation deck of Nara Prefectural Office… For those who want to see the city of Nara, besides Mount Wakakusa, this is also a great choice!

For more attractions in Nara, please refer to the Kansai attractions page.

Nara Prefectural Office Observatory Opening Hours/Transportation Methods (Official Website)

Opening Hours: Click here or here for the link.
Transportation: Take the Nara Kotsu Bus to “Kencho-mae” (Prefectural Office Station) and walk for 1 minute to reach the Prefectural Office.

『Original Source:https://nicklee.tw/1073/