[Taichung]Let’s go, the Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way

I don’t know where the urge came from, but I felt restless and wanted to go out. Maybe everyone is just too busy… (or perhaps there are very few people like me who still want to go out even after starting work!?) With no one available to accompany me, a joke from Zhihao, “Come to Taichung!” actually made me start planning a trip. I took the train to Taichung alone.

The journey from Taipei to Taichung is neither too far nor too close, taking about two hours. I initially hoped to get a window seat to enjoy the scenery, but ended up with an aisle seat instead. So, I took out my PSP and watched “Rookie’s Diary” from the previous day.
The trip was somewhat hastily arranged, so the planning wasn’t very thorough. I focused on the Fengyuan area and naturally thought of the famous “Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way”.
After a simple meal near Fengyuan Station, I headed to the starting point of the bicycle path in Dongshi. Interestingly, rather than a starting point, it felt more like a midway station, as the distances to Meizi or Shigang were about the same from there.

Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate. About ten minutes into our ride, it started to drizzle. I initially thought we could wear raincoats and complete the ride, but sensing the heavy moisture in the air, I suggested we find a place to pause our journey.
As expected, on our way back, it began to pour heavily with thunder and lightning.
Fortunately, the rain didn’t last long. After about an hour, it eased up. Although the sky wasn’t clear, the fresh air after the rain made it even more enjoyable to feel the breeze as I cycled, fulfilling my purpose of coming to relax.
We rode from Shigang to the Shigang Dam and then back to Meizi. Although the journey was long and tiring, it truly helped me unwind.

For dinner, we went to the famous Miaodong Night Market in Fengyuan. Taiwan truly deserves its reputation as a food paradise, with each region offering its unique delicacies. Although the trip was short, it left me feeling content. Perhaps solo travel is a good option if I can’t find anyone to join me in the future!

『Original Source:https://www.phototravel.tw/台中-起跑東豐自行車道/