[Tainan] Sicao Green Tunnel | A Stunning Eco-Tour of Taiwan’s Amazon River, Ticket and Transportation Information

Located in Tainan’s Taijiang National Park, the Sicao Green Tunnel is a must-visit attraction when traveling to Tainan! Close to the main attractions in Anping, Tainan, the Sicao Green Tunnel is often referred to as the “Taiwanese Amazon River.” As part of Taijiang National Park, you can take a bamboo raft through Taiwan’s only green waterway, offering a unique perspective to appreciate the distinctive mangrove landscape. This rare natural eco-tour is an experience not to be missed. This article will share insights from an actual visit to the Sicao Green Tunnel, information on discounted tickets, and transportation options, guiding you through an enchanting eco-tour of Tainan’s Sicao Green Tunnel, akin to an angel’s kiss in paradise.

About Sicao Green Tunnel

The Sicao Green Tunnel in Tainan is part of Taijiang National Park. The mangroves on both sides of the river grow towards the center, forming a lush, semi-circular canopy that envelops the waterway like a tunnel roof, hence the name Sicao Green Tunnel. On a sunny day, taking a bamboo raft through the green tunnel allows sunlight to filter through the gaps in the trees, casting beautiful reflections on the river. This enchanting sight is one of the main attractions that draw visitors to the Sicao Green Tunnel.

Transportation to Sicao Green Tunnel

The Sicao Green Tunnel is located in Tainan’s Annan District, close to the Taijiang National Park Visitor Center and other attractions like the Anping Tree House. The entrance to the Sicao Green Tunnel is next to the Sicao Dazhong Temple, which has a large parking lot in front of it.

Transportation options to Sicao Green Tunnel:

  • By car or scooter: Use Google Maps to navigate to either Sicao Dazhong TempleorSicao Green Tunnel.
  • By bus:
    • Take Tainan City Bus No. 2 to “Sicao Station.”
    • Take the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle 99 Taijiang Line to “Sicao Ecological and Cultural Park (Dazhong Temple)” station.

Sicao Green Tunnel TicketsSicao Green Tunnel Tickets

Tickets for the Sicao Green Tunnel can be purchased directly at the ticket booth next to the boat boarding area. The full fare is NT$200, and the boat ride lasts about 30 minutes. The same ticket booth also sells tickets for the Taijiang sightseeing boat. If you’re interested, you can plan to visit the Taijiang boat after the Sicao Tunnel. If time permits, you can also buy tickets for the Sicao Green Tunnel online in advance, as it can get crowded on holidays. This way, you can save time on ticket purchases and get in line for the boat ride sooner to secure a better seat on the bamboo raft!

Sicao Green Tunnel Tickets

The ticket office hours for the Sicao Green Tunnel are (summer) 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM daily; (winter) 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. On weekdays, boats depart as soon as they are full, while on holidays, tickets are sold until the total visitor capacity is reached. If you plan to visit, it’s best to go early. For group visits, you need to book tickets online in advance. For information on boat schedules and the latest updates, visit the Sicao Dazhong Temple official website to check and book Sicao Green Tunnel tickets.

Sicao Green Tunnel Photography and Boat Experience

Here are some photos from an actual visit to the Sicao Green Tunnel. Since the visit was on a weekday and early in the day, the waiting area was empty (though the smell of disinfectant was a bit strong). This allowed for a prime seat at the front of the raft, providing an unobstructed view for taking photos of the scenery as the bamboo raft navigated through the Sicao Green Tunnel. Due to the low height of the bamboo raft, it’s recommended to sit at the front or back sides of the raft to avoid having your view blocked by other passengers. Sitting on the sides is also a good option, as the captain will occasionally turn the raft sideways at certain points, giving you a chance to take photos.

The weather was excellent on the day of the visit.
Entering the Sicao Green Tunnel feels like stepping into the Amazon rainforest.
In some parts of the Sicao Green Tunnel, the mangroves grow particularly low, so be mindful of your head and camera when taking photos or riding the boat.
Sunlight filtering through the gaps in the trees makes the reflections on the river even more vibrant and green!
The entire scenery within the Sicao Green Tunnel is truly stunning, making it hard to stop snapping photos.

The bamboo raft will turn around near the end of the tunnel (some trips go all the way to the sluice gate from the Japanese colonial period, but ours did not), and then return along the same route, concluding the approximately 30-minute ecological tour of the Sicao Green Tunnel. Overall, Philos found the journey quite enjoyable, with the camera shutter constantly clicking away. Perhaps next time, we could visit in the afternoon to experience the different ambiance brought by the changing light. Highly recommended for those planning a one-day or two-day trip to Tainan to set aside some time to visit this internationally renowned attraction, the “Sicao Green Tunnel” in Tainan!

『Original Source:https://www.phototravel.tw/sicao-green-tunnel/