[Taipei] Laomei Green Reef | Shimen’s Seasonal Hidden Gem

The Laomei Green Reef is a seasonal spectacle along the North Coast, visible from March to May each year. Located on Laomei Beach next to the Laomei Community in Shimen District, New Taipei City, this 2-kilometer stretch of green reef is a rare natural wonder in Taiwan. If you wish to witness the beauty of the Laomei Green Reef, consider planning a day trip to the North Coast from March to the end of April to catch this seasonal marvel.

How to Get to Laomei Green Reef

Getting to Laomei Green Reef is quite convenient. You can drive yourself or take public transportation. However, during peak season, the narrow roads in the Laomei Community can become congested, so taking public transportation is recommended.

To reach Laomei Green Reef by bus, you can take the Tamsui or Keelung bus from either Tamsui MRT Station or Keelung Train Station and get off at the “Laomei” stop. From there, walk straight through the Laomei Community to reach the reef.

Driving or riding a scooter to Laomei:
1. National Highway No. 3 (Jinshan Interchange) → Provincial Highway No. 2 → Wanli → Jinshan → Shimen (26.3 km mark on Provincial Highway No. 2)
2. National Highway No. 1 (Wugu Interchange) → Expressway No. 64 → Bali Wugu (towards Tamsui) → Guandu Bridge → Zhuwei → Hongshulin → Provincial Highway No. 2 → Sanzhi → Shimen (26.3 km mark on Provincial Highway No. 2)
3. Taipei → Shilin → Guandu → Zhuwei → Hongshulin → Provincial Highway No. 2 → Sanzhi → Shimen (26.3 km mark on Provincial Highway No. 2)

About Laomei Green Reef

Laomei Green Reef is a naturally formed scenic wonder.

Praised by CNN as one of Taiwan’s eight hidden gems, the Laomei Green Reef is a seasonal landscape visible from April to May. The reef is covered with lush green algae, creating a spectacular sight. Located in Laomei Village, Shimen District, the “Green Reef” is technically known as a “tidal trench” or “marine erosion trench”. During the winter, the northeast monsoon nourishes the reef’s surface, allowing green algae such as “Ulva”, “Enteromorpha”, and “Cladophora” to thrive. By April, as the monsoon subsides, the reef becomes covered in a vibrant green, forming the unique “Green Reef” coastline.

The Laomei Green Reef is stunning in any photo, making it a popular spot on Instagram.

Laomei Green Reef Photography Tips

You can capture the Laomei Green Reef using long exposure to create silky smooth water effects.

Even on cloudy days, you can capture unique shots of Laomei during sunset by adjusting the color temperature.

For photographing the Laomei Green Reef, I recommend two approaches. First, bring a tripod and use long exposure with a neutral density filter to turn the water into silky streams, adding depth to your photos. If you shoot during sunset, you can play with different color temperatures to capture various moods of Laomei.

The second approach is to use aerial photography (provided you have a drone). This allows you to capture the reef from different angles, showcasing the green-covered landscape from a bird’s-eye view. However, due to the new drone regulations implemented at the end of March this year, Laomei Green Reef is now a no-fly zone. Future drone photography will depend on the government’s stance on drone usage.

Using aerial photography to document Laomei Green Reef offers a unique perspective of Taiwan’s natural beauty to the world.

『Original Source:https://www.phototravel.tw/laomei-green-reef/